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World Peas is a song from God Wants Us to Make Peace. It is sung by Jean-Claude and Phillipe.


Jean-Claude: The world is full of wonders! Some good, and some are bad.

Phillipe: Birthdays make us happy!

Jean-Claude: But wars, they make us sad.

Bob: (whispering) Okay, okay. This is good!

Phillipe: If we all could get along, wouldn't that be great?

Jean-Claude: What's the secret?

Phillipe: Don't you know? It's right there on your plate!

Bob: (whispering) Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no......

Phillipe: Tiny balls of happiness, happy you can eat!

Jean-Claude: Peas are the answer! A vegetable so sweet!

Phillipe: Wild peas; That's what all the Romans ate!

Jean-Claude: European garden peas; Those were really great!

Phillipe: Holland gave us sugar peas, snap peas came from China!

Jean Claude: Toss them in a wok, and dicing sets you will find a lot of ways to love peas. All the world around!

Phillipe: Tiny balls of happiness springing from the ground!

Both: (Oh) Tiny balls of happiness springing from the ground!

Bob: (whispering) This is a disaster...

Jean-Claude and Phillipe: There's field peas, dried peas, garden peas, sugar peas, split peas, snow peas..

Jean-Claude: Don't put them in your nose, please!

Both: Dried yellow peas make pease porridge hot!

Jean-Claude: Try them if you can, you might like it a lot!

Both: Green, yellow, purple peas! Have a bite of all of these!

Peas are really great, but they're not so very tall, but French peas are the very best of all! (Oui!)

French peas are the very best of all!

