VeggieTales in the City is a Netflix series which first aired on February 24th, 2017. It is a continuation of VeggieTales in the House, and it is the fifth show created by Big Idea. The second season aired on September 15th, 2017.
The series was removed from Netflix on September 9, 2023, about a year after the aforementioned VeggieTales in the House was removed.[1]
Season 1
- Burgers for Sale/Night Phony
- Space Pirates!/Rooney on the Run
- Junior Saves the West/The Treasure Hunt
- Race Ya!/Larry the Substitute
- Pizza Eclipse/The Robot
- Delivery Boys/Dueling Mascots
- Bob's Collection/The Cookie Caper
- The Rocket Boot/The Many Versions of Larry
- Aprilcot/X Marks the Spot
- The Priceless Sock/Jimmy Makes a Comic Book
- Book Club/The Lost Dust Bunny
- The Water Slide/Story Time
- Prodigal Junior/Where's the Mayor
Season 2
- Stranded/Junior Gets a Sister
- The Movie Star/New in Town
- The Hottest Pepper in the West/Karate Pirate Space Posse
- Plane vs. Train/Larry's Baby Birdies
- Two of a Kind/Moving to the City
- An Ichabeezer Christmas/A Christmas Play
- Ichaburgertopia/The Truth Hurts
- Employee Fun Day/Bringing Home the Bacon
- Books of the Bible/Monster in the Closet
- Arcade Showdown/The Audition
- The Singing, Dancing Lobster/It's Skatin' Time
- The Last Issue/Bob's Great Store
- Attack of the Marshmallow Laser/Bye Bye Bacon Bill!