VeggieTales im großen Haus is the German dub of VeggieTales in the House.
Translations and Voices[]
English Name | German Name | German Voice Actor |
Bob the Tomato | Bob Tomate | Roland Wolf |
Larry the Cucumber / Larry-Boy | Larry Gurke / Larry-Boy | Dirk Stollberg |
Mayor Archibald Asparagus | Bürgermeister Archibald Spargel | Martin Schubach |
Pa Grape | Opa Traube | Gerald Schaale |
Klaus-Peter Grap | ||
Jimmy Gourd | Jimmy Kürbis | Stefan Krause (earlier episodes) Michael Iwannek (later episodes) |
Jerry Gourd | Jerry Kürbis | Santiago Ziesmer |
Junior Asparagus | Junior Spargel | Samira Jakobs |
Laura Carrot | Laura Karotte | Cathlen Gawlich |
Petunia Rhubarb | Petunia Rhabarber | |
Madame Blueberry | Madame Blaubeere | Christin Marquitan |
Jean-Claude Pea | Jean-Claude Erbse | Edwin Gellner |
Philippe Pea | Philippe Erbse | David Turba |
Stefan Gossler | ||
Raimund Krone |
Other Characters[]
English Name | German Name | German Voice Actor |
Captain Mike Asparagus | Kapitän Mike Spargel | Adam Nümm |
Lisa Asparagus | Lisa Spargel | Svantje Wascher |
Tom Celeriac | Tom Sellerie | Hans-Eckart Eckhardt |
Granny Asparagus | Oma Spargel | Denise Gorzelanny |
Bacon Bill | Speck Bill | Dirk Petrick |
Motato | Mutoffel | Claudio Maniscalco |
Officer Wedge | Officer Wirsing | Sven Gerhardt |
Mr. Pea | Mr. Erbse | Werner Böhnke |
Tiny Pea | Kleine Erbse | Fabian Oscar Wien |
Jenna Chive | Jenna Schnittlauch | Unknown |
Tina Celerina | Tina Ballerina | Anne-Catrin Märzke |
Uwe Jellinek | ||
Callie Flower | Flora Kohl | Anita Hopt |
Gary Garlic | Kalle Knoblauch | Martin Schubach |
Takeasaurus | Nimmdirsaurus | Daniel Montoya |
Michael Ernst | ||
Yambot | Jambot | Felix Spieß |
Additional voices: Rainer Fritzsche, Daniel Gärtner, Markus Nichelmann, Julian Tennstedt, Felix Würgler, Nico Birnbaum, Claudio Maniscalco, François Smesny, Dennis Sandmann, Maren Borrmann, Rafael Albert, Artur Weinmann
Episode Titles[]
Season 1[]
- Haustiere / Eingesperrt! (Puppies and Guppies / Sorry, We're Closed Today) (Pets / Locked Up!)
- Bob und sein Schnurrbart / Bob und Larry: Ärger und Zorn (Bob and the Awesome Frosting Mustache / Bob & Larry Gettin' Angry) (Bob and his Mustache / Bob and Larry: Anger and Anger)
- Bobs schlechter Atem / Der Mitbewohnertausch (Bob's Bad Breath / Trading Places) (same translation / The roommate swap)
- Jimmy und Jerry sind reich! / Ganz schön heiß! (Jimmy and Jerry Are Rich / Feelin' Hot, Hot, Hot!) (same translation / Pretty hot!)
- Laura am Schlag / Der Backwettbewerb (Laura at Bat / Pie Fight!) (same translation / The Baking Contest)
- Opa Weintraubes Sohn / Larrys grüner Daumen (Pa Grape's Son / Larry's Cardboard Thumb) (Grandpa Grape's Son / Larry's green thumb)
- Bobs Großzügigkeit / Staubige Zeiten (The Gong Heard 'Round the House / When the Dust Bunnies Came to Town) (Bob's generosity / Dusty times)
- Die Wunschliste / Gesangstalent (The Bucket List / A Gift for Singing) (The Wishlist / Singing talent)
- Limonade Plus / Wir bauen eine Burg (Lie-Monade / Let's Build a Fort!) (Lemonade Plus / We're building a castle)
- Speck und Eiscreme / Für die Ehre von Larry Boy (Bacon and Ice Cream / For the Honor of LarryBoy) (same translation)
- Der Geburtstagsdieb / Junior bekommt ein Haustier (The Birthday Thief / Junior Gets a Pet) (same translation)
- Die coolste Gurke / Der reiche junge Comic-Herrscher (Cool as a Cucumber / The Rich Young Comic Ruler) (The coolest cucumber / same translation)
- Popcorn-Katastrophe / Junior Jetpack (Popcorntastrophe! / Junior Jetpack) (Popcorn disaster / same translation)
- Monstermanieren / Du, ich und die kleine Erbse (Monster Manners / You, Me and Tiny Pea) (same translation / You, me and the little pea)
- Jenna Schnittlauch Live / Captain LarryBart (Jenna Chive Live! / Captain LarryBeard) (same translation)
Season 2[]
- Die große Eiscreme-Jagd / Der Guppy-Flüsterer (The Great Ice Cream Chase / The Guppy Whisperer) (The great ice cream hunt / same translation)
- Der Lustig-Strahler / Der Camping-Ausflug (The Silly Ray / The Camp Out) (same translation / The Camping Trip)
- Monstertruck-Blumenlieferung / Wählt Archibald (Monster Truck Flower Delivery / Vote for Archibald!) (same translation / Choose Archibald)
- Action, Action, Action! / Schnuppauf (Ready for Action / Sickabeezer) (Action, Action, Action! / Sniccup)
- Pflanzensnob des Monats / Duo-Tag (Plant-demonium! / DUO Day) (Plant snob of the month / same translation)
- Das Fahrradrennen / Der Plumpsack (Mayoral Bike Lessons / It) (The bike race / The Plumpsack)
- Flora Kohl / Eine Welt völler Quengler (Callie Flower / World of Whiners) (same translation / A world full of whiners)
- Zwei Partys / Kalle Knoblauch (Two Birthdays / Playground Tales) (Two parties / Gary Garlic)
- Das Raumfahrer-Camp / Durst nach Ruhm (Spacetato / Starved for Attention) (The astronaut camp / Thirst for glory)
- Maskerade / Platztausch (The Imposters / Place Trading) (Masquerade / Swapping places)
- Ausgesperrt / Trainer Ichabeezer (Locked Out / Coach Ichabeezer) (same translation)
Season 3[]
- Anti-Angsthasen-Camp / Ichabeezer zieht aus (Scaredy Cat Boot Camp / Ichabeezer Moves Out) (Anti-fear camp / same translation)
- Der fehlende Jetpack / Speckstreifen gegen Tomate (The Missing Jetpack / Bacon vs. Tomato) (same translation / Bacon strips versus tomato)
- Mutoffel bekommt einen Job / Haustiertag (Motato Gets a Job / Pet Day) (same translation)
- Blaubeeres Karten / Der Club (Blueberry's Tickets / A Club Divided) (Blueberry's cards / The club)
- Lauras Tiersitter-Service / Das Nacht-Pony erhebt sich (Laura's Animal Babysitting Service / Rise of Night Pony) (Laura's pet sitting service / The Night Pony rises)
- Nimmdirsaurus / Malerei (Takeasaurus / The Painting) (same translation / Painting)
- Ichabeezers Enkeltochter / Hummer-Kummer (Ichabeezer's Granddaughter / Gone Lobster) (same translation / Lobster heartache)
- Bob bekommt eine Brille / Verkehrslotse (Bob Gets Glasses / Crossing Guard) (same translation / Traffic controller)
- Zusammengeklebt / Die Actionfigur (Glued at the Hip / The Action Figure) (Glued together / same translation)
- Der verlorene Zahn / Das Kameradenschiff (The Lost Tooth / (The Companion Ship) (same translation / The Comrade Ship)
- Jimmy Boy / Der Larry-Express (JimmyBoy / The Larry Express!) (same translation)
- Larry der Bürgermeister / Petunia ist nicht lustig (Larry Lives it Up / Petunia's Not Funny) (Larry the mayor / same translation)
- Das große Geheimnis / Madame Fußball-Star (The Big Secret / Madame's Soccer Skills) (same translation / Madame Soccer Star)
Season 4[]
- Chefkoch Larry / Im Wald verirrt (Chef Larry / Lost in the Woods) (same translation / Lost in the forest)
- Schrumpf-abeezer / Mutoffel ist mein Nachbar (Shrink-abeezer / Motato is My Neighbor) (same translation)
- Unsichtbares Armdrücken / Nie wieder albern (Invisible Arm Wrestling / Silly no more) (same translation / Never be silly again)
- Stuntfahrschule / Entgleist (Stunt Driving School / Off the Rails) (same translation / Derailed)
- Schweinerei / Beatbox-Bill (Jimmy and Jerry's Big Mess / Beatbox Bill) (Mess / same translation)
- Larry der Schlafwandler / Das verschwundene Monokel (Larry the Sleepwalker / The Case of the Missing Monocle) (same translation / The missing monocle)
- Larry bekommt einen Bulldozer / Entflogen (Larry Gets a Bulldozer / Bird on the Loose!) (same translation / Escaped)
- Der geborene Anführer / Tina ist die Chefin (Leader of the Team / Tina's the Boss) (The born leader / same translation)
- Der Welpe / Larrys Cousin kommt zu Besuch (The Puppy / Larry's Cousin Comes to Town) (same translation / Larry's cousin comes to visit)
- Die Bob und Larry Show / Katzen-Rettung (The Bob and Larry Show / Save the Cherry Cat) (same translation / Cat Rescue)
- Gemüsekarten / Der Großmachstrahl (VeggieCards! / Grow-tato) (same translation / The Power Ray)
- Der barmherzige Samariter / Die Raumstation (The Good Samaricucumber / Destination: SPACE STATION!) (The Good Samaritan / The space station)
- Das große Rennen / Jambot (The Big Race / Yambot) (same translation)
Fun Facts[]
- In the original series, Gerald Schaale provided the voice of Larry. In this series, however, he provides the voice of Pa Grape.