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VeggieTales in the City - logo (Spanish)

VeggieTales en la Ciudad is the Latin Spanish dub of VeggieTales in the City. It was dubbed at LaboPrime and aired on Netflix.

Translations and Voices[]

English Name Spanish Name Spanish Voice Actor
Bob the Tomato Bob el Tomate Luis Navarro
Larry the Cucumber / Larry-Boy Larry el Pepino / Larry Chico Arturo Castañeda
Jerry Gourd Jerry Calabaza
Mayor Archibald Asparagus Alcalde Archibald Espárrago Luis Leonardo Suárez
Jean-Claude Pea Jean-Claude Guisante
Pa Grape Pa Uva Carlo Vázquez
Mr. Lunt Sr. Lunt
Jimmy Gourd Jimmy Calabaza
Junior Asparagus Junior Espárrago Xóchitl Ugarte
Laura Carrot Laura Zanahoria Cecilia Gómez
Petunia Rhubarb Petunia Ruibarbo Romina Marroquín Payró
Madame Blueberry Madame Arándano Dulce Elsa Covián
Philippe Pea Philippe Guisante Marc Winslow
Alejandro Villeli (earlier episodes)
Pedro D'aguillón (later episodes)
Víctor Ugrate
Bacon Bill Tom Tocino Alan Fernando Velázquez
Motato Matato Geno Sánchez
Tina Celerina Tina Apio Analiz Sánchez

Other Characters[]

English Name Spanish Name Spanish Voice Actor
Captain Mike Asparagus Capitán Mike Espárrago Ernesto Lezama
Lisa Asparagus Lisa Espárrago Gabriela Guzmán
Tom Celeriac
Christian Stempler (earlier episodes)
Gerardo Alonso (later episodes)
Granny Asparagus Abuela Espárrago Katalina Múzquiz
Officer Wedge Oficial Gajo César Garduza
Beau Rockley
Roberto Mendiola
Callie Flower Callie Flor Leyla Rangel
Gary Garlic Gary Ajo Nicolás Frías
Takeasaurus Quitasaurio Irwin Daayán
Avocajoe Aguacajoe Emmanuel Bernal
Alberto Bernal
Singing, Dancing Lobster Langosta que Canta y Baila Pascual Meza

Additional voices: Pablo Sosa, Julio Bernal, Armando Guerrero

Episode Titles[]

Season 1[]

  1. Hamburguesas a la venta / Impostor nocturno (Burgers for Sale / Night Phony) (same translation / Nocturnal impostor)
  2. Piratas espaciales / Rooney suelto (Space Pirates! / Rooney on the Run) (same translation / Loose Rooney)
  3. Junior salva el oeste / La caza del tesoro (Junior Saves the West / The Treasure Hunt) (same translation)
  4. A competir / Larry, el sustituto (Race Ya! / Larry the Substitute) (To compete / same translation)
  5. Eclipse de pizza / El robot (Pizza Eclipse / The Robot) (same translation)
  6. Repartidores / Duelo de mascotas (Delivery Boys / Dueling Mascots) (Dealers / Mascot duel)
  7. La colección de Bob / El embrollo de las galletas (Bob's Collection / The Cookie Caper) (same translation / The cookie mess)
  8. El botín cohete / Muchas versiones de Larry (The Rocket Boot / The Many Versions of Larry) (same translation)
  9. Abriloque / La X marca el lugar (Aprilcot / X Marks the Spot) (same translation)
  10. El calcetín invaluable / Jimmy hace una tira cómica (The Priceless Sock / Jimmy Makes a Comic Book) (same translation / Jimmy makes a comic strip)
  11. El club de libros / El conejito de polvo perdido (Book Club / The Lost Dust Bunny) (same translation)
  12. El tobogán / Hora de cuentos (The Water Slide / Story Time) (The slide / same translation)
  13. Junior pródigo / ¿Dónde esta el alcalde? (Prodigal Junior / Where's the Mayor) (same translation)

Season 2[]

  1. Varados / Junior tiene una hermana (Stranded / Junior Gets a Sister) (same translation / Junior has a sister)
  2. La estrella de cine / El chico nuevo (The Movie Star / New in Town) (same translation / The new guy)
  3. El pimiento más picante del oeste / Supercuadrilla Piratas Espaciales (The Hottest Pepper in the West / Karate Pirate Space Posse) (same translation / Space Pirates Super Squad)
  4. El avión contra el tren / Mamá Larry (Plane vs. Train / Larry's Baby Birdies) (The plane against the train / Mama Larry)
  5. La pareja perfecta / Mudanza a la ciudad (Two of a Kind / Moving to the City) (The perfect couple / same translation)
  6. Los fantasmas de Ichabeezer / Una obra de Navidad (An Ichabeezer Christmas / A Christmas Play) (Ichabeezer's ghosts / same translation)
  7. Ichaburguesatopia / La verdad duele (Ichaburgertopia / The Truth Hurts) (same translation)
  8. Día de Diversión para los Empleados / La casa de Tom Tocino (Employee Fun Day / Bringing Home the Bacon) (same translation / Bacon Bill's house)
  9. Los libros de la Biblia / Hay un monstruo en mi armario (Books of the Bible / Monster in the Closet) (same translation / There's a monster in my closet)
  10. Combate de maquinitas / La audición (Arcade Showdown / The Audition) (Machine combat / same translation)
  11. La langosta que canta y baila / Es hora de patinar (The Singing, Dancing Lobster / It's Skatin' Time) (The singing and dancing lobster / It's time to skate)
  12. La última edición / La gran tienda de Bob (The Last Issue / Bob's Great Store) (The last edition / same translation)
  13. El láser de malvavisco / Adiós, Tom Tocino (Attack of the Marshmallow Laser / Bye Bye Bacon Bill!) (The marshmallow laser / same translation)

Fun Facts[]

Young Ebenezzer

But there's nothing here! Not even a jellybean...

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External Links[]
