VeggieTales Super Comics is a series of original VeggieTales stories rewritten with the new format from the newer VeggieTales episodes and the newly released VeggieTales in the House episodes. The comics also features at least one new Larry-Boy story each. The comics are written by Aaron Linne and illustrated by Cory Jones.
In June 2014, B&H Kids announced plans to produce a VeggieTales comic with Big Idea Productions and DreamWorks Animation. Volumes of the comic are released twice a year with support from the Christian Comic Arts Society.
- VeggieTales Super Comics Volume One
- VeggieTales Super Comics Volume Two
- VeggieTales Super Comics Volume Three
- VeggieTales Super Comics Volume Four
- VeggieTales Super Comics Volume Five
- VeggieTales Super Comics Volume Six
- Despite being in the following episodes that were rewritten with the new format, the Silly Songs aren't shown, because songs can't be sung to you in comic book-form. So they used a comic page-type segment called "Knock-Knock Jokes with Larry".
- Though it may be possible that there was not enough space in any of the volumes to include the lyrics for the Silly Songs from those episodes.
- At the end of the book, a parent discussion guide is shown that focuses on the lesson.
- All eighteen stories used in the comics were given their own comic book releases.