Big Idea Wiki

VeggieTales is the Norwegian dub of said show, translated in the Bokmål writing system. It was dubbed at Nitro Sound AS in Oslo, Norway.[1]

It is aired on TV Visjon Norge in Norway during Tuesdays/Wednesdays (at 11:30 am/1:30 am) and Saturdays/Sundays (at 11:00 am/1:30 am). Every two episodes are also newly shown on TV Vision Kids' website per month.

The first half of the series was also released on DVD in 2011/2012; the rest of the series starting with Sheerluck Holmes and the Golden Ruler is currently unavailable on DVD.

Translations and Voices

English Name Norwegian Name Norwegian Voice Actor
Bob the Tomato Tomaten Tom Thomas Stokke
Larry the Cucumber Agurken Snurken Stein Stølen Bjerkaker
Mr. Lunt Herr Lunt
Jean-Claude Pea Jean-Claude Ert
Phillipe Pea Phillipe Ert
Junior Asparagus Junior-Asparges Sarah MacDonald Berge
Laura Carrot Laura Gulrot Suzanne Paalgard
Madame Blueberry Madame Blåbærhulk
Mom Asparagus Mamma Asparges
Petunia Rhubarb Petunia Rabarbra Malin Pettersen
Archibald Asparagus Ariosto Asparges Preben Olram (most episodes)
Stein Stølen Bjerkaker (Dave and the Giant Pickle)
Øyvind B. Lyse (Larry-Boy! and the Fib from Outer Space! and An Easter Carol)
Jimmy Gourd Sindre Gresskar Preben Olram (most episodes)
Øyvind B. Lyse (A Snoodle's Tale)
Stein Stølen Bjerkaker (The Penniless Princess)
Jerry Gourd Sondre Gresskar Øyvind B. Lyse (most episodes)
Stein Stølen Bjerkaker (An Easter Carol)
Mr. Nezzer Herr Nezzer Øyvind B. Lyse
Pa Grape Pops Drue Øyvind B. Lyse (Where's God When I'm S-Scared? and Very Silly Songs!)
Stein Stølen Bjerkaker (God Wants Me to Forgive Them!?!, An Easter Carol, and later episodes)
Preben Olram (Are You My Neighbor?-Duke and the Great Pie War)
Dad Asparagus Pappa Asparges Stein Stølen Bjerkaker (early episodes)
Øyvind B. Lyse (later episodes)
Scooter Carrot Scooter Gulrot Preben Olram (Are You My Neighbor?-A Snoodle's Tale)
Stein Stølen Bjerkaker (later episodes)
Øyvind B. Lyse (Merry Larry and the True Light of Christmas)
The Scallions Hørløkene Øyvind B. Lyse (Scallion #1; Where's God When I'm S-Scared?-'Twas the Night Before Easter/Scallion #2; Where's God When I'm S-Scared?-Celery Night Fever/Scallion #3; Are You My Neighbor?-The Ballad of Little Joe)
Stein Stølen Bjerkaker (Scallion #1; Are You My Neighbor?-Veggies in Space: The Fennel Frontier, The Yodeling Veterinarian of the Alps/Scallion #2, Are You My Neighbor?-Beauty and the Beet/Scallion #3; most episodes)
Preben Olram (Scallion #1; King George and the Ducky-Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson's Hairbrush/Scallion #2; The Yodeling Veterinarian of the Alps)
Silly Song Announcer Dum Sang Kunngjører Øyvind B. Lyse (earlier episodes, Sheerluck Holmes and the Golden Ruler, and Moe and the Big Exit)
Stein Stølen Bjerkaker (Where's God When I'm S-Scared?, Very Silly Songs!, and later episodes)
Unknown (Dave and the Giant Pickle)
Preben Olram (Princess and the Popstar)

Other Characters

English Name Norwegian Name Norwegian Voice Actor
Øyvind B. Lyse (Pistachio - The Little Boy That Woodn't)
Stein Stølen Bjerkaker (Princess and the Popstar and Robin Good and His Not-So-Merry Men)
Stein Stølen Bjerkaker
Mad Scientist Gal forsker
Palmy Palmetre
Christophe Pea Christophe Ert
The Fib Løgn
Bill (Endangered Love)
Farmer Snoodle Snoodle Bonde
The Stranger Fremmed
Maewynn Succat
Gourdon Smithson
Curly Krølle
Top Banana Topp Banan
Ephraim Apply Ephraim Eple
Bill (Moe and the Big Exit)
Mr. Beet Herr Bete
Frankencelery Frankenselleri Øyvind B. Lyse
Goliath Goliat
Rusty Rusten
Snoodle Lou
Po-Ta-To Po-Te-Ten
Green Bean Grønn Bønne
Bruce Onion Bjørn Hørløk
The Pear Pæren Sarah MacDonald Berge
Lenny Carrot Leif Gulrot
Rumor Weed Rykteugresset
Grandma Nezzer Bestemor Nezzer
Grandma Gourd Bestemor Gresskar
Cassie Cassava Kari Swansen
Miss Minchin
Ma Grape Mops Drue Sarah MacDonald Berge
Suzanne Paalgard (Merry Larry and the True Light of Christmas)
Tom Grape Roy Drue Thomas Stokke
Stein Stølen Bjerkaker (Josh and the Big Wall!)
Rosie Grape Rosie Drue Suzanne Paalgard
Lovey Asparagus Muse Asparges
Annie Onion Annie Hørløk
Barbara Manatee
Miss Achmetha
Snoodle Doo
Bad Apple Sure Eple
Mary Mueller
Mayor's Daughter Ordførers Datter
Nicholas Nikolas
Ermie Asparagus Ermie Asparges
Sara Crewe
Dad Carrot Pappa Gulrot Preben Olram (The Toy That Saved Christmas)
Stein Stølen Bjerkaker (Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed and Saint Nicholas: A Story of Joyful Giving)
The Peach Fersken Øyvind B. Lyse (Are You My Neighbor?)
Preben Olram (Merry Larry and the True Light of Christmas)
Grandpa George Bestefar Poole (in Rack, Shack and Benny)
Bestefar George (in The Toy That Saved Christmas)
Bestefar Rolph (in Merry Larry and the True Light of Christmas)
Stein Stølen Bjerkaker (1st voice)
Preben Olram (2nd voice)
Asparagus Singers Asparges Sangere Suzanne Paalgard
Sarah MacDonald Berge
Percy Pea Perle Ert Thomas Stokke (early episodes)
Stein Stølen Bjerkaker (Esther... The Girl Who Became Queen and Gideon: Tuba Warrior)
Suzanne Paalgard (later episodes)
Lil' Pea Litt Ert Stein Stølen Bjerkaker (The Toy That Saved Christmas)
Sarah MacDonald Berge (Larry-Boy! and the Fib from Outer Space!)
Buzz-Saw Louie Sirkelsag Sindre Preben Olram
Ventrilomatic Ventril-o-matik
Captain (The Story of St. Patrick) Kaptein
Dad Pea Pappa Ert Stein Stølen Bjerkaker (The Toy That Saved Christmas)
Øyvind B. Lyse (Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed)
Malin Pettersen
Hope Håp
Vanna Banana
Suzanne Paalgard (Lyle the Kindly Viking)
Sarah MacDonald Berge (Tomato Sawyer and Huckleberry Larry's Big River Rescue)
Charlie Pincher
Stein Stølen Bjerkaker (The Star of Christmas-Abe and the Amazing Promise)
Preben Olram (An Easter Carol and Pistachio - The Little Boy That Woodn't)
Apollo Gourd Apollo Gresskar Preben Olram (Sumo of the Opera)
Stein Stølen Bjerkaker (Tomato Sawyer and Huckleberry Larry's Big River Rescue)
Stein Stølen Bjerkaker (most episodes)
Preben Olram (The Wonderful Wizard of Ha's)
Øyvind B. Lyse (Celery Night Fever)
Stein Stølen Bjerkaker (Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson's Hairbrush and Pistachio - The Little Boy That Woodn't)
Øyvind B. Lyse (LarryBoy and the Bad Apple and Merry Larry and the True Light of Christmas)
Preben Olram (Veggies in Space: The Fennel Frontier)
Øyvind B. Lyse (Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson's Hairbrush-Veggies in Space: The Fennel Frontier)
Preben Olram (Pistachio - The Little Boy That Woodn't)

Additional voices: Thomas Stokke, Stein Stølen Bjerkaker, Sarah MacDonald Berge, Øyvind B. Lyse, Preben Olram, and Suzanne Paalgard


(NOTE: An asterisk means the episode is split into two parts)

  1. Dagens ferske salat (Tales from the Crisper) (Today's fresh salad)
  2. Vredens druer (The Grapes of Wrath) (same translation)
  3. Er du min nabo? (Are You My Neighbor?) (same translation)
  4. Rack, Shack og Benny (Rack, Shack and Benny) (same translation)
  5. David og den sure agurken (DVD cover)/David og den kjempe, sure agurken (episode) (Dave and the Giant Pickle) (David and the sour cucumber/David and the giant, sour cucumber)
  6. Madam Blåbærhulk (Madame Blueberry) (same translation)
  7. Super-Snurk! Skrønen fra verdensrommet (Larry-Boy! and the Fib from Outer Space!) (Super-Snurk! The cliff from outer space)
  8. Supersnurk og rykteugresset/Rykteugresset (Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed) (same translation not counting Larry-Boy's name change/Rumor Weed)
  9. Kong George og gakkgakken (King George and the Ducky) (same translation)
  10. Dag den snille Viking/Lyle den snille (Lyle the Kindly Viking) (same translation not counting Lyle's name change/Lyle the kind)
  11. Julestjernen (The Star of Christmas) (same translation) *
  12. Engelskmann med en omelett (Englishman with an Omelet) (same translation)
  13. Dr. Dingle og Herr Slu (A Snoodle's Tale) (same translation as Dr. Jiggle and Mr. Sly not counting name changes)
  14. Balladen om lille Joe (The Ballad of Little Joe) (same translation)
  15. Joshua og den store muren (Josh and the Big Wall!) (same translation)
  16. Esther: jenta som ble dronning (Esther... The Girl Who Became Queen) (same translation)
  17. Jakten på Samsons hårbørste (DVD cover)/Minnesota Luke og jakten på Samsons hårbørste (episode) (Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson's Hairbrush) (same translation not counting Minnesota Cuke's name change)
  18. Opp trappen! (Going Up!/Sumo of the Opera) (same translation)
  19. Jarle og kakekrigen (Duke and the Great Pie War) (Earl and the cake war)
  20. Autoholdningens vidunderlige verden/Vidunderlige verden! (The Wonderful World of Auto-Tainment!) (same translation/Wonderful world!)
  21. St. Patrick (The Story of St. Patrick/Larry's Lagoon) (same translation)
  22. En påskefortelling (An Easter Carol) (An Easter story) *
  23. Leken som reddet julen! (The Toy That Saved Christmas) (The game that saved Christmas!)
  24. Veldig dumme sanger (Very Silly Songs!) (Very stupid songs)
  25. Sherflaks Holmes og den gyldne linjal (Sheerluck Holmes and the Golden Ruler) (same translation not counting Sheerluck's name change) *
  26. Gideon, tubakriger! (Gideon: Tuba Warrior) (same translation)
  27. Moe og den store reisen (Moe and the Big Exit) (Moe and the great journey)
  28. Reisen til HaHa-land (The Wonderful Wizard of Ha's) (The journey to HaHa Country)
  29. Tomat Sawyer & Huckleberry Snurkens redningsaksjon på Mississippi (Tomato Sawyer and Huckleberry Larry's Big River Rescue) (Tomato Sawyer and Huckleberry Snurken's rescue operation on the Mississippi)
  30. LarryBoy og det sure eplet (LarryBoy and the Bad Apple) (LarryBoy and the sour apple)[2]
  31. Minnesota Luke og jakten på Noas paraply (Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Noah's Umbrella) (same translation not counting Minnesota Cuke's name change)
  32. Sankt Nikolas om hvordan man gir med glede (Saint Nicholas: A Story of Joyful Giving) (Saint Nicholas on how to give with joy)
  33. Pistasjio (Pistachio) (same translation)
  34. Det var kvelden før påske ('Twas the Night Before Easter) (same translation)
  35. Prinsessen og popstjernen (Princess and the Popstar) (same translation)
  36. Den lille trommegutten (The Little Drummer Boy) (same translation)
  37. Robin God og hans ikke-så-muntre menn (Robin Good and His Not-So-Merry Men) (same translation)
  38. Den pengelense prinsessen (The Penniless Princess) (The money-hungry princess)
  39. Et solid fundament (The Little House That Stood) (A solid foundation)
  40. Muntre-Laurits og det store julelyset (Merry Larry and the True Light of Christmas) (Merry Larry and the big Christmas light)
  41. Grønn Salat i Rommet: Den Grønne Grense (Veggies in Space: The Fennel Frontier) (Green Salad in Space: The Green Border)
  42. Selleri disco feber (Celery Night Fever) (Celery disco fever)
  43. Skjønnheten og rødbeten (Beauty and the Beet) (same translation)
  44. Abraham og det store løftet (Abe and the Amazing Promise) (Abraham and the great promise)


Fun Facts



  • Larry is given a slightly deeper voice, compared to all his other international voices.
  • Even though Larry-Boy's name is changed to "Super-Snurk" for his first two appearances, it is oddly reverted to his original name (albeit with "boy" being lowercase and with both parts of his name having a space in between) for LarryBoy and the Bad Apple.
    • However, "Super-Snurk" is still used for dialogue.
  • Even though Josh and the Big Wall! itself uses the secular international version, the version used in Larry Learns to Listen is uncut but present the way it was in the actual episode (where part of the opening countertop was cut).
  • When Larry Learns to Listen aired split up into two parts on Visjon Norge TV, both countertop segments appear in both airings. The song appears within Josh and the Big Wall! in the second part.


  • Even though the visuals are left in English, the title cards for some episodes are not read out loud.
  • During Princess and the Popstar, Mr. Lunt says part of "We are so on it!" in English ("on it" was only translated to Norwegian).
  • During Dance of the Cucumber, Larry mispronounces the words "mantequilla" (he pronounces the letter U, even though it is supposed to be silent), "vegetales" (he says it with a J sound for the first time, even though it is supposed to be pronounced with an H sound if it is before the letters E or I. The second time, however, he says it as if a U was next to the letter G, which is completely false), and "desearia" (he says it as "desaira").
  • In The Star of Christmas, "The show must go on!" is untranslated.




