Big Idea Wiki

Cat87 Cat87 31 January 2016

A bit tired

I've been feeling a bit worn out lately, because of an incident a few days ago where a power flicker caused our server (which enables us to use the internet) to quit working. My brother was able to provide us with a brand new server yesterday, but I'm still feeling kind of kind. I just hope that I'll be able to get my second wind here again.

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Cat87 Cat87 21 November 2015


I'm surprised with how hard I've been working and contributing to this wiki. It makes me feel proud to be a member of the wikia family. Even though I've been banned from TVtropes for making unnecessary edits to a number of pages (no thanks to a certain someone named Nate-Spidgewood), I feel a lot better for working on this wiki and a few other wikis to make up for that. Once again, I am proud of my success.

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