This is the transcript for The Power of Love.
A Letter from a Kid[]
(Everyone is sitting while Larry bursts in excited.)
Larry: Bob! Bob! I think I've got it!
Mr. Lunt: Got what? The flu? Whooping cough? Mumps?
Larry: No... but those all sound fun! I've got an idea for the show!
Bob: Just in time, Larry! What's your idea?
Larry: The platypus! God's little miracle! It's a musical about the platypus. Half-duck, half beaver. All wonderful!
Junior: That sounds great! Who gets to play the platypus?
Bob: I don't think we can do a show about platypuses... platypi. We do shows about big idea's from the Bible, platypuses aren't even in the Bible.
Mr. Lunt: And lo, the Lord God brought forth the platypus, and saw fits to place it only in Australia!
Bob: That's not a real verse. We don't do shows about animals. We need a big idea from the Bible!
Larry: Rats! Well, I'm out.
(Laura bursts through the door, holding a magazine.)
Laura: Love! I'm in love! I'm in love!
Bob: What?
Mr. Lunt: Who's the lucky vegetable?
(Laura holds up a part of the magazine with a blonde-haired boy.)
Laura: It's Jimmy!
Jimmy: Huh?!
Laura: Not you, Jimmy. It's Jimmy Lucey, lead singer of The Plucky 5! *sigh*
(Laura fans herself with the magazine.)
Junior: You're in love with Jimmy Lucky? He doesn't know you exist!
Laura: True love knows no limits!
Madame Blueberry: That's it! We should do a show about love!
Bob: Mushy, gushy love, with flowers, and chocolates and frilly valentines cards?
(Petunia opens to a page in the Bible.)
Petunia: "I give you a new command; Love each other! You must love each other as I have loved you." Love is in the Bible, Bob.
Bob: Yeah, but we don't have any letters about love.
(Petunia picks up a letter.)
Petunia: Hmmm. "Dear Bob and Larry, the Bible says I'm supposed to love everyone, but I'm not in love with everyone. How am I supposed to love people that I'm not in love with? Your friend, Samuel."
Bob: I don't know how to answer that question. Can we just move on to a different big idea?
Mr. Nezzer: Curtains go up in 10 seconds, everybody! Time for the theme song!
Bob: Well, love it is!
The VeggieTales Show Theme Song[]
(Cut to Bruce Onion, the conductor, starting the theme song. As it begins to play, the theater's curtains are drawn to show the cast.)
Larry: Get your sister,
Bob: Get your brother,
Jimmy: Call your uncle
Pa: And your mother
All: If you're missing any other of the people that you know.
We’re going to start the show!
It’s the VeggieTales Show!
Bob and Larry: Live on stage!
All: It’s the VeggieTales Show!
Junior: For ev’ry age!
All: It’s the VeggieTales Show!
Mr. Lunt: I’m in a cage!
All: It’s the Veggie, Veggie, Veggie, Veggie, Veggie, Veggie, Veggie, Veggie, Veggie, Veggie, VeggieTales...!
(The show’s logo is lowered from the rafters and breaks from its ropes, crashing onto the stage. Bob and Larry look at each other nervously.)
All: It’s the VeggieTales Show!
(The backstage of the theater is then cut to.)
Larry: Okay Bob, we did the theme song. Now what are we gonna say about love?
Bob: I have no idea. Anyone else? Got anything?
Mr. Lunt: Love is a cheeseburger!
Jimmy: Love is a warm puppy?
Jerry: Puppies!
Petunia: Let's tell a Bible story about love!
Mr. Lunt: Is there a Bible story about love?
Jimmy: There's one about a whale. One about a giant and a little guy with a slingshot. I can't think of any about love.
(Laura slides across the screen hugging her magazine. This gives Archibald an idea.)
Archibald: Laura seems to know what love is. Perhaps a segment where I ask her about it.
Petunia: What?! But that's not the kind of love-
Bob: Great idea! Laura, Archibald, you're up! Teach us all about love!
Jimmy Lucky[]
(Cut to Khalil playing on the piano, as the curtains open to reveal a doctor's office setting, with Archibald as a doctor, Miss Achmetha as a nurse, and Laura as a patient.)
Archibald: Ah yes, Miss Carrot, you say you're having some symptoms. Can you describe them to me?
Laura: Well, I can't sleep.
Archibald: (while writing stuff down on paper) Can't sleep...
(Miss Achmetha twitches her eye, as she wraps a blood pressure kit around Laura.)
Laura: And I can't eat.
Archibald: (while writing stuff down on paper) Can't eat? Oh dear!
Laura: And I feel light-headed, like I'm floating through the clouds!
Archibald: (while writing stuff down on paper) Light-headed....floating through clouds..hmm. It could be pneumonia! Is there anything else you can tell me? When did it all start?
Laura: It started when I saw him.
Archibald: Saw who? A bacteria? A virus?
Laura: The beautiful and tall him!
Archibald: Viruses aren't very tall.
Laura: And just like that, I'm all in!
Archibald: An....gina?
Laura: Doctor, doctor I'm in love!
Archibald: Wait, love?
Laura: I'm in love with Jimmy Lucky!
He's wonderful, he's plucky!
And I'm a lucky ducky
just to know his name!
My heart will jump and skip a beat..
Archibald: Arrhythmia! That I can treat.
Laura: And now I know my life will never be the same! I'm in love with being in love!
Archibald: Hmm...I see...yes, well...I'd like to run a test or two
to see what I can learn from you.
Help me find the right connection
to explain this odd infection.
Laura: Odd? Oh no, it's magical! Before, my heart was tragical!
Archibald: I don't think that's a word.
Laura: And then I saw him in a magazine, his hair so gold, his skin so green!
The fairest face I think I've ever seen!
I'm in love with being in love!
Archibald: May I see the subject of you infatuation?
Laura: Oh, um, sure!
(Archibald takes a close look at the magazine, only to find out that the boy on the magazine that Laura was looking at wasn't Jimmy Lucky, but a black-haired boy who looks just like him.)
Archibald: That is not golden hair.
Laura: What?! Jet-black hair, dark eyes...that's not Jimmy! It's the wrong magazine!
Archibald: I believe we've solved our problem!
Laura: But those eyes...
Archibald: Wait, what?
Laura: And that jet-black hair!
Archibald: What's happening?
Laura: Well, you aren't Jimmy Lucky, but you're equally as plucky, and I'm equally as lucky to have found you here! Oh my dear, I'm in love with being..
Archibald and Miss Achmetha: She's in love with being..
All: (Laura: I'm) She's in love with being in love!
Archibald: I'm sorry, I can't help you. Next!
(The curtains close as the audience applauses. The backstage is then cut to.)
Petunia: That's not the kind of love I'm talking about.
Bob: How many kinds of love are there?
Petunia: The world says love is a feeling that comes and goes and makes your head spin.
Laura: I know! Isn't it wonderful?
Petunia: That kind of love can be fun, but love in the Bible is powerful, amazing! The love in the Bible changes the world!
Pa: If you're such an expert on love, why don't you explain it to us?
Petunia: I'd be happy to, and I've got just the right story in mind!
Ruth and Naomi: Act 1[]
(Archibald hops onstage, narrating off a script.)
Archibald: *ahem* Once upon a time, in Israel, there lived a woman named Naomi.
(The curtain opens to reveal a grassy pasture background, as Madame Blueberry hops onstage dressed as Naomi.)
Madame Blueberry: I am Naomi, I am Naomi, and my home-i is here in Israel!
Archibald: Naomi had a husband. His name was Elimelech.
Pa: Elimelech! Elimelech! That's me, I'm he, the husband of she.....her!
Archibald: But Naomi and Elimelech weren't alone. They had two sons, Mahlon and Chilion.
Jimmy: I'm Mahlon!
Jerry: I'm Chilion!
Jimmy and Jerry: And our names look silly on our name tags.
Jerry: But that's okay!
Jimmy and Jerry: Because where we live, there are lots of silly names!
Jerry: Like Elimelech.
Pa: Hey, watch it.
Archibald: Naomi and Elimelech were in love!
Madame Blueberry and Pa: (romantically) *sigh*
Archibald: Mahlon and Chilion wanted to be in love...
Jimmy and Jerry: (sadly) *sigh*
(Jerry's stomach starts growling.)
Jimmy: What was that?
Jerry: My tummy. I'm hungry.
Archibald: But mostly, they just wanted food.
Jimmy: Yeah, where's the food?
Pa: Where is the food?
Archibald: There was a famine in Israel.
Jimmy: Meaning what?
Archibald: Oh, uh, no food.
Jimmy: No food?!
Jerry: No food?!
Pa: No food?! What are we doin' in Israel?!
Archibald: So they left Israel...
(Jimmy, Jerry, Pa Grape, and Madame Blueberry hops over to the next setting.)
Jimmy: Oh Israel, please don't think we're rude.
Pa: But we're going somewhere where there's food.
Archibald: ..and walked all the way to the land of Moab.
Pa: Hey, it's Moab!
Jimmy: Is there food in Moab?
Archibald: Yes, they found food in Moab!
(Petunia and Miss Achmetha hop in with a food cart full of apples and pizza.)
Pa: Food!
Jimmy: Food!
Jerry: Pizza!
Archibald: They found food in Moab, but Mahlon and Chilion also found love.
Petunia: I'm Ruth.
Jimmy: (dreamily) Hi, Ruth.
Miss Achmetha: I'm Orpah.
Jerry: Oprah?
Miss Achmetha: No. Orpah.
Jerry: Pizza?
Miss Achmetha: No! Orpah!!
Madame Blueberry and Pa: There is food, there is love.
There is everything we need given by our God above.
Jimmy and Petunia: There is food.
Jerry: Pizza! Pizza!
Jimmy and Petunia: There is love.
Jerry: Orpah! Orpah!
Jimmy and Petunia: There is everything we need given by our God above.
All: And we love being in love!
Archibald: They were all wonderfully happy!
All: *sigh*
Archibald: Until something terrible happened...Elimelech died.
Pa: Wait, what?
(A cane pulls Pa Grape offstage..)
Madame Blueberry: Elimelech!
Archibald: And then Mahlon died.
Jimmy: Wait, what?
(A cane pulls Jimmy offstage.)
Petunia: Mahlon!
Archibald: And then Chilion died.
Jerry: Uhh...what?
(A cane pulls Jerry offstage.)
Miss Achmetha: Pizza!
Archibald: And just like that, Naomi, Ruth, and Oprah..
Miss Achmetha: Orpah!
Archibald: ..Orpah found themselves alone.
Madame Blueberry: We are alone. Our love has died.
Petunia: Our hearts have wept.
Miss Achmetha: Our eyes have cried.
Petunia: It is a sad and horrid day.
Miss Achmetha: Our happiness has gone away.
Madame Blueberry: And there's no reason now to stay here in Moab. I am going back to Israel.
Petunia: Should we come with you?
Miss Achmetha: Yeah, should we?
Madame Blueberry: Don't be silly. You're still pretty.
You'll find love again here in Moab.
It's your home here, so don't woe dear.
You've got family and friends here in Moab.
Miss Achmetha: Okay! See ya!
(Miss Achmetha dashes offstage.)
Archibald: Ruth didn't know what to do. She cared about finding love again, but she also cared about Naomi. Naomi was old, she had no money, no land. Back in Israel, she would have to beg for food.
Madame Blueberry: I'll be fine, dear! Look out for yourself.
Archibald: Ruth was torn.
Petunia: What should love be?
What should love do?
Look out for me, or look out for you?
If I want a love that's true, what should love be,
what should love do?
Archibald: What would love do? Is love more than the funny feeling we get around someone we like? Is real love something stronger, something deeper, something that isn't about us at all? We'll find out right after this break!
(The curtain closes as the audience applauds. The backstage is then cut to.)
Larry: Man, what a cliffhanger! What's Ruth gonna do?!
Bob: A better question is what are we gonna do next? There's nothing onstage!
Mr. Lunt: Don't worry, I've got you covered!
Bob: What?
Mr. Lunt's Stunt[]
(The curtain opens to reveal Mr. Lunt on one side of a see-saw, while Jean-Claude and Phillipe are above with a bunch of heart-shaped boxes of chocolates.)
Mr. Lunt: And now, I will demonstrate the power of love! Gentlemen, the chocolates!
(Jean-Claude and Phillipe push the boxes onto the see-saw, sending Mr. Lunt high into the air, as we hear a crash.)
Jean-Claude: He is stuck in the rafters!
(Mr. Lunt falls and lands back on the see-saw.)
Philippe: Not anymore!
Mr. Lunt: Ta-da!
(The boxes of chocolates fly into the air, and land all over Mr. Lunt, leaving him in a sticky mess.)
Mr. Lunt: Love is powerful and delicious!
(The audience applauds.)
Petunia: That is totally not the kind of love I'm talking about! Everyone, back onstage for act 2! And Larry, you've got pages and a costume.
Larry: Wait, I'm in the show?
Petunia: You're in the show.
Ruth and Naomi: Act 2[]
(The curtain opens to reveal Petunia and Madame Blueberry back in Israel.)
Archibald: If Ruth stayed in Moab she could find love again, but she cared about Naomi. She didn't want Naomi to be alone in Israel without food, without hope. What would love do? What is love? Ruth thought hard.
Petunia: Is love only something that I feel?
Is that the only kind of love that's real?
I think God wants me to care for you.
I think love is something that you do.
Madame Blueberry: But you can find a husband, a family, here in Moab!
Petunia: I think love is something that you do.
(The audience applauds.)
Petunia: I'm coming with you. Your land will be my land. Your God, the God of Israel, will be my God. You have shown me love, and now it's my turn to show you love.
Archibald: So Ruth moved to Israel with Naomi. Every day Ruth went out to the fields to pick up leftover grain, so she could make bread. All day, Ruth worked in the hot sun.
Petunia: *sigh*
Archibald: She wondered if God saw her. She wondered if anyone saw her. She didn't have to wonder very long.
Larry: Hello, what are you doing?
Petunia: Oh, I'm sorry. I thought it was grain that no one wanted.
Larry: No, no, it's okay. My men already picked the grain, these are the leftovers. But why are you out here picking leftover grain?
Petunia: I need to feed my mother-in-law. She doesn't have any land or any food.
Larry: Where's your husband?
Petunia: Oh, he died.
Larry: Oh, I'm sorry. What about your father-in-law?
Petunia: He died too.
(Larry starts tearing up.)
Larry: *sniff* Wow, that's really sad. And the rest of your family?
Petunia: Back in Moab, where I'm from.
Larry: *sniff* *sniff* you moved away from home...*sniff* take care of your mother-in-law...*sniff* *sniff*....because she was all alone with no food...*sniff*..and now you're picking up grain all day in the hot sun? *sniff* *sniff*
Petunia: Yeah, that's pretty much it. Are you okay?
(Larry almost breaks down in tears, but stops himself.)
Larry: Y-yeah, I just got hay fever. *sniff* Allergies are acting up. *sniff* I better get going. Nice meeting you.
Archibald: Boaz had never met anyone as kind and loving as Ruth. He wanted to help her.
(Larry throws large handfuls of grain all over the stage.)
Larry: (jokingly) Oh dear! Drop some extra grain? Hope nobody finds it! Whoops! There's some more. And some more over here by this....rock that's shaped like a banana.
Archibald: Ruth kept caring for Naomi, and Boaz kept caring for Ruth. They were showing love the way God designed it, by caring for each other, by putting others first.
Larry: She shows love to dear Naomi.
Petunia: He shows love to dear old me.
Larry and Petunia: Maybe God wants us together, in a brand new family.
Petunia: Boaz, I am wondering,
while you reign on blundering,
God has set our hearts to singing,
could those soon be church bells ringing?
Larry: Well, we don't have churches yet, 'cause we're in the Old Testament, and they haven't been invented. But, I don't see why not!
Madame Blueberry: What our God is now revealing, l
ove is much more than a feeling.
This love we now are viewing,
not a feeling but a doing.
Miss Achmetha: Not just valentines and wooing.
All: Not a feeling, but a doing.
Pa: This love we are pursuing.
All: Not a feeling, but a doing.
(The audience applauds.)
Larry: Not a feeling...
Petunia: But a doing!
Archibald: Ruth and Boaz were married, and a new family began. To help Naomi, Boaz bought her old land back. Now Naomi had a home, Ruth had a home and a family, all formed by love.
(Larry dashes offstage.)
Archibald: Not the mushy, gushy love with flowers and chocolates, though that's not a terrible thing.
Larry: I got you some flowers.
Petunia: Aw, that's so sweet!
Archibald: The kind of love that puts others first, that works hard to help people who need help. That's the kind of love that changes the world.
All: The love God says is best for you, not love you feel, but love do!
Not love you feel, but love you do!
(The audience applauds.)
What Have We Learned[]
Bob: Guys, that was great!
Larry: Thanks, Bob! Did you know it was me? I was pretending to be Boaz.
Bob: Yes, Larry, I knew it was you. And you were right, Petunia! Real love, the love that's in the Bible, is powerful! That kind of love changes the world. God sacrificed for us. He gave up everything to help us.
Larry: And Boaz sacrificed for Ruth.
Petunia: And Ruth sacrificed for Naomi. That's what love does!
Bob: That's what love does. So Samuel, you wanted to know how you could love everyone when you aren't in love with everyone. Being in love is a feeling. It comes and goes and changes all the time.
Larry: But loving the way God loves is a choice. It's not something you feel, it's something you do.
Bob: That's right, Larry. So while you can't feel like you love everyone, you can love everyone by being kind, by putting others first, by helping.
Larry: We need a verse, Bob!
Bob: Oh right. Rats, I forgot again!
(Jean-Claude comes down in his angel costume with a plunger-and-arrow, a piece of paper attached to the plunger.)
Jean-Claude: Not a problem, Tomato. I am here!
Bob: Wait, are you an angel or cupid?
Jean-Claude: What is the difference?
Bob: I'm not exactly sure.
Larry: Do you have a verse for us, cupid angel?
Jean-Claude: Oui! Stand back!
(Jean-Claude launches the plunger into the air, landing in front of Bob.)
Bob: Hey! You could've hurt someone!
Jean-Claude: Love is a dangerous thing, no?
Larry: Look, Bob, it's a verse!
Bob: "True love is God's love for us, not our love for God. God sent His Son to die in our place to take away our sins. That is how much God loved us, dear friends, so we also must love each other. 1 John 4:10-11".
Larry: God sacrificed for us, so we should do the same for each other.
Bob: According to the Bible, that's true love.
Larry: Thanks, cupid angel!
Jean-Claude: You are welcome, and do not forget to love each other!
Larry: We won't forget!
Bob: Well, that's all the time we have today. Remember, love isn't something we feel, it's something we do.
Larry: And you can do it too!
Bob: God made you special and He loves you very much!
Bob and Larry: Goodbye!
(The audience applauds as the curtain closes.)
(end of transcript)