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Not a Feeling, But a Doing is a song from The Power of Love. It is sung by Madame Blueberry, Pa Grape, Jimmy Gourd, Jerry Gourd, Petunia Rhubarab, Miss Achmetha and Larry the Cucumber.


Larry: She shows love to dear Naomi.
Petunia: He shows love to dear old me.
Larry and Petunia: Maybe God wants us together, in a brand new family.
Petunia: Boaz, I am wondering, while you reign on blundering, God has set our hearts to singing, could those soon be church bells ringing?
Larry: Well, we don't have churches yet, 'cause we're in the Old Testament, and they haven't been invented. But, I don't see why not!
Madame Blueberry: What our God is now revealing, love is much more than a feeling.
This love we now are viewing, not a feeling but a doing.
Miss Achmetha: Not just valentines and wooing.
All: Not a feeling, but a doing.
Pa: This love we are pursuing.
All: Not a feeling, but a doing.
Larry: Not a feeling...
Petunia: But a doing!
Archibald: Ruth and Boaz were married, and a new family began. To help Naomi, Boaz bought her old land back. Now Naomi had a home, Ruth had a home and a family, all formed by love. Not the mushy, gushy love with flowers and chocolates, though that's not a terrible thing.
Larry: I got you some flowers.
Petunia: Aw, that's so sweet!
Archibald: The kind of love that puts others first, that works hard to help people who need help. That's the kind of love that changes the world.
All: The love God says is best for you, not love you feel, but love do! Not love you feel, but love you do!