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This is Mike Nawrocki, Tim Hodge, and David Pitts doing a commentary on LarryBoy and the Bad Apple.


Man 1: Hi, everybody. Are you-are you ready for the commentary? Uh, this is Tim Hodge. I directed the show, along with...

Man 2: I'm David Pitts; I produced the show.

Man 3: Along with... uh, I'm Mike Nawrocki. Uh, co-wrote the show.

Hodge: And provided a major voice.

Nawrocki: Yes.

Pitts: Yeah...

(Nawrocki laughs)

Pitts: That's important.

Nawrocki: He pops his head out here any minute. (in Larry's voice) Larry the Cucumber!

Nawrocki: There he goes. There's our little Larry guy.

Pitts: It's hard to comment on this, on every show.

Hodge: Yeah, we got opening credits in there. It's kinda the same.

Nawrocki: Maybe we should have had LarryBoy blowing the tuba.

Hodge: Oh, have him in his LarryBoy costume, that would be funny. Well, this is the first LarryBoy we've done in quite a while. The last one was what, like, 10 years ago?

Hodge: Yeah.

Nawrocki: Yeah, something like that. What was it, uh, 1999? Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed?

Hodge: It was right before I started working at Big Idea.

Nawrocki: Yeah, I actually remember the premiere for that show.

Hodge: I remember I was there, 'cause I was there in Orlando.

Nawrocki: Yeah, we went on a Disney raid. (Nawrocki and Hodge laugh) Went down to Orlando and we were, um, showing it. I-I think CBA was in Orlando that year.

Hodge: Mm-hm.
