Yep, they've had they worse times during the show but there have been a couple times they got along and were friendly to each other.
Getting Along[]
- God Wants Me to Forgive Them!?! - Junior assures the Scallion the real reason for Forgiveness if more powerful than the Forgive-O-Matic.
- King George and the Ducky - Cedric (Scallion) was concerned for Thomas (Junior) in the Pie War.
- Saint Nicholas: A Story of Joyful Giving - Scallion #1 supports Junior for the repairs for Mr. Carrot's car.
- Lord of the Beans - Scaryman (Scallion) confronts Toto (Junior) for the Bean and his plan with the Elders of the Forest.
- LarryBoy and the Bad Apple - Scallions 1 and 3 steals a Candy Bar from Junior and Annie but LarryBoy stops them.
- Pistachio - The Little Boy That Woodn't - Confetti (Scallion) and his two friends gambled Pistachio (Junior) at the Carnival and ripped him off.
- LarryBoy and the Menacing Mushroom - Ricochet chases after him and the Second Scallion to stop them.