Big Idea Wiki
George Lucas cropped 2009

George Walton Lucas Jr. (born May 14, 1944) is an American film director, producer, screenwriter, and entrepreneur. Lucas is best known for creating the Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchises and founding Lucasfilm, LucasArts, Industrial Light & Magic and THX. He served as chairman of Lucasfilm before selling it to The Walt Disney Company in 2012.

The works of George Lucas have left a big impact on film-making and pop culture (particularly the action adventure films), and Big Idea is no exception.


Star Wars

  • Frog Wars - The entire story is a take on the story Exodus with Star Wars added.
  • I Scream, You Scream! - Bert says Darth Vadar's quote, "This will be a day long remembered."
  • More is More - Fidgel mentioned that there was a disturbance in the force...of gravity.
  • The Little Drummer Boy:
    • "Help me, Ben Haramed, you're my only hope" is a quote used from "A New Hope".
    • Belthasar's name "Cuke Skywalker" is a spoof name on Luke Skywalker, the main protagonist of the original film trilogy of the Star Wars franchise. His flaming sword is based on lightsabers.
    • Jedi are a race of alien beings.
    • "May the fork be with you" is a play on words of "May the force be with you".
    • The wisemen's camel is wearing a sandspeeder costume.
  • Veggies in Space: The Fennel Frontier:
    • The opening is a spoof on the title openings used in the films.
    • The guards saying "We don't need your identification. Move along" is a quote used in "A New Hope", where Obi Wan used the Jedu mind trick on the Storm Troopers.
    • T-Bot using a holographic message is similar to what Princess Leia did in "A New Hope". Cuke saying they won't need it until it's their only hope is also a recurring line in the films.

Indiana Jones
