Big Idea Wiki

Food-a-Lator is a song from It's Cool to Be Kind. It is sung by Jimmy and Jerry Gourd.


Jimmy: I know what you're wondering, can it go any faster? Well, Jerry?

Jerry: Demonstrate! Say you want a baked potater, leave it to the Food-a-Lator!

Jimmy: We can make it all go faster from the hopper to the blaster!

Jimmy: How about even faster?

Jerry: If you're hungry and you're ready, here's an order of spaghetti!

Jimmy: We'll go faster, never slower, if the blaster's aim is lower!

Jerry: Hungry for a ham on rye? Wash it down with cherry pie!

Jimmy: Move the blaster to the south, shoot it right into your mouth!

Jerry: I scream, you scream, we scream too!

Jimmy: Seventeen flavors right at you!

Jimmy: Uh-oh!

Jerry: Too much ice cream!

Pa: Should we do something?

Petunia: Ya think?

Mr. Nezzer: AAAH!

