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This is the episode transcript for Don't Stop Believing.


A Letter From a Kid[]

(Larry bursts through the theater doors.)

Larry: Bob, Bob! I've got the best idea for the show!

Bob: I'm a little busy right now, but, uh, okay. What do ya got?

Larry: So you know how your nose never stops growing your whole life?

Bob: I don't think I like where this is going.

(As Bob and Larry hop across the theater, crunching noises can be heard with every hop.)

Larry: Well it's true! And I was thinking-

Petunia: Larry, are you crunching?

Larry: There's something on the floor.

Archibald: It looks like broken bits of...

Jean-Claude: *gasp* Fortune cookie!! Someone's been eating my-I mean, Verse Angel's verse cookies!

(Cut to a wide shot to reveal several bits of broken cookie and verses strewn all across the floor.)

Philippe: Who would do such a dastardly thing?!

(We pan over to Jimmy and Jerry Gourd, who have crumbs all over their faces.)

Bob: Jimmy and Jerry, were you eating Jean-Claude's verse cookies?

Jimmy: Umm...

(Jerry coughs a verse onto Bob's nose.)

Jimmy: ...maybe?

Jerry: Cream filling doesn't taste good.

Bob: It's not cream filling! It's the verses! Let's pick 'em up so we don't lose any.

Archibald: How many cookies did you eat?

Jimmy: I don't know!

Jerry: 31.

Bob: (sighs) Quickly, so we can get back to the show!

(As everyone is picking the verses up, they read them.)

Archibald: "Jesus wept." The shortest verse in the Bible!

Petunia: "I am with you, always." That's a good one.

Larry: "And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love."

Bob: C'mon, Larry! Keep picking up!

Larry: We've done shows about love. I love love!

Pa Grape: Oh, I like the ones on love too!

Larry: And I think we did one on hope, right? And hope, that's awfully important!

Bob: Right. Now I sure hope we can finish picking up these verses!

Larry: What about faith? That's important too. Let's do a story about faith!

Bob: Well, I've got faith that we'll finish cleaning up if you start helping me.

Jimmy: I heard someone once say, "Faith is believing in something really hard," like this!

(Jimmy holds his breath and crosses his eyes.)

Bob: Well, faith is about believing, but it's not about holding your breath and closing your eyes.

Archibald: Some people think faith is the power to do impossible things.

Bob: No, that's not quite right either. It's-

Madame Blueberry: Faith is a warm feeling of believing-ness!

Bob: What?! No-

Mr. Lunt: I want to do a story on faith! I have faith we can do it!

Petunia: I have a letter from a girl named Elizabeth who asked this very thing. She says, "Dear Bob and Larry, what is faith? I've been sad about my team's baseball games. We keep on losing! My mom keeps encouraging me to have faith. How do I have faith when we keep losing? Your friend, Elizabeth."

Jimmy: Um, I keep losing my socks.

Mr. Lunt: I keep losing my marbles.

Bob: Guys, focus! We need to help Elizabeth. I think we should come up with a way to answer that before Mr. Nezzer jumps in and says-

Mr. Nezzer: Thirty seconds to curtain, Bob! Should I have faith that you've got this under control? Who's smashing cookies on my floor?

Bob: Oh boy. Well, cue the theme song!

The VeggieTales Show Theme Song[]

(Cut to Bruce Onion, the conductor, starting the theme song. As it begins to play, the theater's curtains are drawn to show the cast.

Larry: Get your sister,

Bob: Get your brother,

Jimmy: Call your uncle

Pa Grape: And your mother

All: If you're missing any other of the people that you know.

We’re going to start the show! It’s the VeggieTales Show!

Bob and Larry: Live on stage!

All: It’s the VeggieTales Show!

Junior: For ev’ry age!

All: It’s the VeggieTales Show!

Mr. Lunt: I’m in a cage!

All: It’s the Veggie, Veggie, Veggie, Veggie, Veggie, Veggie, Veggie, Veggie, Veggie, Veggie, VeggieTales...!

(The show’s logo is lowered from the rafters and breaks from its ropes, crashing onto the stage Bob and Larry look at each other nervously.)

All: It’s the VeggieTales Show!

(We then cut to the backstage area.)

Bob: Alright, how are we gonna explain faith?

Jimmy: Maybe if we eat more cookies...

Bob: No more cookies!

(The theater doors are heard opening.)

Dr. Flurry: You need to explain faith?

Bob: Oh, Dr. Flurry! Yes, we need to explain faith.

Jimmy: It's believing in yourself so you can do anything, am I right?

Petunia: Elizabeth is afraid it means believing in silly things that probably aren't true. Is that faith?

Dr. Flurry: I know just what you need: A contraption that will help you explain faith!

Archibald: A contraption?

Dr. Flurry: Ya! Und I have built one, und set it up onstage when you weren't looking.

Bob: Uh, you what?

Dr. Flurry: So, who's with me?

Bob: Well, I don't have any better ideas.

Dr. Flurry: Great! I need Mr. Lunt, und Jimmy Gourd, und little Junior.

(Junior is blowing a bubble gum bubble, which pops.)

Ninja Faith Challenge[]

(We cut to the stage as several colored spotlights circle around the curtains.)

Dr. Flurry (V.O.): Und now, the show that answers the question, "What is faith?", it's Ninja...Faith...Challenge!!!

(The curtains open to reveal Dr. Flurry standing in front of a giant pool full of chocolate pudding. On one end, Jimmy, Junior, and Mr. Lunt are standing on a diving board, while the other end has a giant, green finish line. Above the pool is a giant octagonal TV screen.

Bob: Ninja?

Petunia: He said "make it sound cooler".

Bob: Ah.

Dr. Flurry: Now, our three contestants will attempt to cross this giant vat of pudding using faith!

Jimmy: And, uh, how do we do that, exactly?

Dr. Flurry: Ah, good question! Three different advisors will tell you how, and you will have to decide which one to listen to. Are you ready?

Junior: I guess so.

Dr. Flurry: Alright! Advisor #1!

(The octagonal TV screen turns on, revealing Madame Blueberry.)

Madame Blueberry: Faith is a magical power within you that helps you do amazing things if you believe. To cross the pudding and win the challenge, you don't have to use any of the doo-dads. You just need to believe you can fly!

Mr. Lunt: We can fly?

Madame Blueberry: Through the power of faith! If you believe it, it will happen!

Jimmy: Wow! The power of faith!

Dr. Flurry: Und now, Advisor #2!

(Jean-Claude and Philippe appear on the TV screen.)

Jean-Claude: Allo! It is us. Faith is believing unbelievable things.

Philippe: Impossible things!

Jean-Claude: Oui! And faith will make the impossible things come true!

Mr. Lunt: So how do we cross the pudding?

Philippe: See that trampoline down there, and that dangly rope up there?

Jean-Claude: You will bounce off the trampoline, up to the rope, and swing across the pudding!

Mr. Lunt: That rope is held up by a tiny string! There's no way that string will hold my weight!

Junior: It's impossible!

Philippe: And that is why it takes faith!

Jean-Claude: To do the impossible!

Mr. Lunt: Oh, I forgot about that!

Dr. Flurry: Und finally, Advisor #3!!...oh, ya, I am Advisor #3.

(Dr. Flurry dashes offscreen, then appears on the TV screen.)

Jimmy: I recognize that guy...

Dr. Flurry: Faith is trusting that someone is who they say they are, and that they will do what they say they will do, and then putting that trust into action. That is faith. *ahem* I am Dr. Flurry. I built this contraption, and I know how it works. See those three green pads? If you jump on those three pads, three more pads will appear, taking you step by step easily across the pudding.

Mr. Lunt: If he's right, that would be easy.

Jimmy: Too easy! Faith is supposed to be hard! Impossible!

Dr. Flurry: So who do you trust?...Just a minute!

(Dr. Flurry dashes offscreen and back onstage, out of breath.)

Dr. Flurry: Okay. What is faith, and who will win...

All: Ninja...Faith...Challenge!!!

Dr. Flurry: Contestant #1, use faith to cross the pudding!

Jimmy: If I have faith, I can do anything! I believe I can fly!

(Jimmy jumps off the diving board and lands right smack into a wrecking ball. He lands in the pudding with a giant splash.)

Mr. Lunt: Well, that wasn't it.

Dr. Flurry: Okay, Contestant #2, use faith to cross the pudding!

Mr. Lunt: Right. I could try the green pads, but that seems too easy. Faith is supposed to be impossible! So here I go! WHOOOOOOO!!!! I'm crossing the pudding!!!

(Mr. Lunt jumps off the diving board, bounces off the wrecking ball, goes through three foam pads with giant holes, and lands on a foam roller. However, he loses his balance and lands in the pudding.)

Dr. Flurry: Hm. What has gone wrong? Have they not used faith? Have they not believed hard enough? Und now, Contestant #3, what will you do?

Junior: I don't know if this is faith or not, but Dr. Flurry built this contraption, and I trust him when he says he knows how it works. So I'm gonna put that trust into action!

(Junior jumps off the diving board, bounces off the trampoline, swings across the rope, and hops across the three green pads. Sure enough, three more pads appear, and Junior makes it across safely. The audience applauds.)

Dr. Flurry: Yes, yes, yes! You did it! You used faith to cross the pudding and win the competition!

Junior: I did?

(Jimmy and Mr. Lunt hop back onstage, now covered in pudding.)

Mr. Lunt: But he didn't believe in anything impossible.

Jimmy: And he didn't have to believe in himself real hard.

Dr. Flurry: The asparagus believed I was who I said I was: the creator of the contraption. And he believed I would do what I said I would do: make a way for him to get across! He trusted me, and then he put that trust into action. He jumped on the green pads! That's faith!

Junior: I think I get it!

Dr. Flurry: (to audience) Who will you have faith in? Who will you trust? We'll see you next time on...

All: Ninja...Faith...Challenge!!!

(The curtains close as the audience applauds. We then cut to the backstage area.)

Bob: Okay, I'm kina confused. Isn't faith supposed to be something mysterious or magical? Is it really as simple as believing what someone says and then putting that belief into action?

Petunia: And what does any of this have to do with God?

Archibald: If only there were a Bible story about faith.

Pa Grape: I'm way ahead of ya. Archie, you're the narrator. Everybody else grab a script and a costume. We're gonna learn about faith in the Bible!

Abraham and Sarah[]

(We cut to the stage as Archibald hops under a spotlight.)

Archibald: (clears throat) What did it look like to have faith in Bible times, and what did it look like not to have faith? We find both examples in one story; the story of Abraham and Sarah.

(The curtains open to reveal Pa Grape and Madame Blueberry standing on a small cliff.)

Pa Grape: I am Abraham.

Madame Blueberry: And I am Sarah.

Archibald: Abraham was very old.

Pa Grape: I'm 75, not that old.

Archibald: And Sarah was also very old.

Madame Blueberry: Ugh! I am 65! 65 is the new 40!

Archibald: God had given Abraham three big promises.

(The lights dim, and a spotlight is shone from the clouds above.)

Mr. Lunt (O.S.): I promise you your many children will become a great nation!

Pa Grape: That's number one!

Mr. Lunt (O.S.): They will have their own land!

Pa Grape: That's number two!

Mr. Lunt (O.S.): And from your children will come a blessing for the whole world!

Pa Grape: That's number three!

Mr. Lunt (O.S.): And give Mr. Lunt whatever he wants! He's a great guy!

(We cut to the backstage area. Mr. Lunt is shouting into a microphone, while Bob is looking over the script.)

Bob: That was not in the script!

Mr. Lunt: Who said that? I think it was God!

Pa Grape: What wonderful promises!

Madame Blueberry: But how can they come true? We have no children at all!

Archibald: It was true. Sarah had never been able to have children, and now she was very old.

Madame Blueberry: Ugh! Excuse me, not that old!

(They hop over to their tent.)

Archibald: How would God's promises come true? Would Abraham and Sarah have faith in God?

Pa Grape: What's faith, again?

(Dr. Flurry emerges from a trunk inside the tent.)

Dr. Flurry: Faith is trusting that someone is who they say they are, that they will do what they say they will do, and then putting that trust into action.

(Dr. Flurry ducks back into the trunk.)

Pa Grape: He's in my socks. Do we believe God is who He says He is?

Madame Blueberry: Oui! He is God!

Pa Grape: Do we believe He will do what He says He will do?

Madame Blueberry: Of course! God never lets us down!

Pa Grape: Then let's live like it's gonna happen! We'll trust God and wait for a child.

(Fade to black. We then fade to Pa heading offstage.)

Archibald: So they waited a week, a month, a year! Ten years! They weren't getting any younger.

(The daytime scenery changes to nighttime. Pa now has a white beard instead of brown.)

Archibald: Abraham was now 86!

Pa Grape: Oy, my back!

Archibald: And Sarah was 76!

Madame Blueberry: Not the new 40. *sigh* I am too old for having babies! What if God does not give us a child?

Archibald: So Sarah decided to take matters into her own hands.

(We wipe to Pa coming home. Madame Blueberry is facing away from the audience.)

Pa Grape: Honey, I'm home!

Madame Blueberry: Look, Abraham! A baby!

(Madame Blueberry holds up a pillow with a crudely-drawn smiley face.)

Pa: Huh? That's my pillow...with a magic-marker face.

Madame Blueberry: It is a baby!

Pa Grape: Sarah, honey, we need to trust God for a baby. We need to have faith.

(Dr. Flurry pops out of the trunk again.)

Dr. Flurry: Yes! Faith is trusting someone-

Pa Grape: Yeah, we know. You told us ten years ago.

Dr. Flurry: Just hanging out in the socks.

(Dr. Flurry goes back in the trunk.)

Archibald: Sarah tried to trust God, but it was hard.

Pa Grape: Honey, I'm home!

(Madame Blueberry holds up Nuzzle Buttons.)

Madame Blueberry: It is a baby! See?

Pa Grape: It's a goat.

Archibald: It was very hard!

Pa Grape: Honey, I'm home!

Madame Blueberry: It's a baby!

(Madame Blueberry holds up Philippe, who is wearing a diaper.)

Philippe: Waaah! Waaah!

Pa Grape: That looks like your cousin's kid...

Philippe: Waaah?

Pa Grape: Because it is your cousin's kid. Give him back.

Madame Blueberry: But Abraham, I'm too old to have a baby!

Pa Grape: We need to trust God.

Madame Blueberry: I...I do trust God, but...

Pa Grape: But what?

Philippe: But what?...Oh, sorry. Waaah!

Pa Grape: Do you believe God is who He says He is?

Madame Blueberry: I do.

Pa Grape: And that He'll do the things that He says He'll do?

Madame Blueberry: I think so.

Pa: If He says you'll have a baby, even when you're way past 80...

Madame Blueberry: Is it possible?

Pa Grape: Is it possible? He's the God who made the earth and sky! The kangaroos and wallabyes!

Madame Blueberry: I think it's wallaby.

Pa Grape: Whatever. Even though we're early in the story,

living many years before He will save a man inside a whale,

break His children out of jail,

calm a storm so they can sail right through,

we can be sure that He can give a child to you! So can you trust Him? Can you have faith in God?

(Dr. Flurry pops out of the trunk.)

Pa Grape: No!

(Dr. Flurry ducks back into the trunk.)

Archibald: Could Sarah have faith? Could she believe that God could give her a baby in her old age? Could she put that belief into action and live as if God would do what He said?

Madame Blueberry: Well...

Archibald: What will Sarah do? If she trusts God to keep His promises, can she put that trust into action even if action means waiting?

Madame Blueberry: Well...I will have faith in God! I will trust Him, and wait for Him to keep His promise to us!

Pa Grape: That's my girl!

Philippe: Hooray! I mean, waaah! May I go back to my real mother now?

Madame Blueberry: Oh! Ha, ha, ha! Yes, of course!

Archibald: So Abraham and Sarah went on with their lives. Sarah turned 79, then 80. She focused on things like making bread.

(We cut to Madame Blueberry talking to Petunia, while there are globs of dough on her table.)

Petunia: The baby shower was great! They made loaves of bread that looked like little babies!

(We cut to Madame's POV, as she starts hallucinating the globs of dough as babies.)

Madame Blueberry: Bread baby. I could do this! Hm...I will not. I will trust God!

Archibald: She turned 81, then 82. They had parties with friends, and told stories.

Jimmy: It's called "Pinocchio". It's about a guy who wants a baby, so he makes one out of wood, and it comes to life!

Madame Blueberry: Wood baby! (gasps) I could do this!

Pa Grape: Heh, heh, heh, heh! What a crazy story!

Madame Blueberry: But I will not. I will trust God!

Archibald: The years went by. 83, 84, 85, 86! Sometimes, she thought she would go insane!

(As Pa Grape and Madame Blueberry are walking through the desert, she sees a rock.)

Madame Blueberry: (gasps) That rock! It looks like a baby!

Pa Grape: No, honey. It's just a rock.

Madame Blueberry: Oui. Just a baby rock...uh, just a...not-a-baby rock!

Archibald: 87, 88, 89!

Madame Blueberry: Abraham, I cannot take it! Nine years! I am trying to have faith, to trust God, but has He forgotten?

Pa Grape: God does not forget, though it would be nice if He gave us some sort of sign.

Archibald: Just then, God gave them...some sort of sign.

(Mr. Lunt hops onstage.)

Mr. Lunt: Hello! I have brought you a message!

Pa Grape: You sound just like God.

Mr. Lunt: Yeah, people tell me that. The message: Next year, Sarah will have a baby!

(Madame Blueberry laughs hysterically.)

Mr. Lunt: Did you just laugh?

Madame Blueberry: No! I would not! (giggles) Well, yes. Yes I did.

Pa Grape: It's just...we've been waiting a long time, but she's been faithful! She's trusting in God! She hasn't taken anyone else's babies...or rocks...or little wooden boys.

Mr. Lunt: You will be known for your great faith! They will write about you in the book of Hebrews...someday, when they get around to that part of the Bible. I must go. Well done, friends!

Archibald: And sure enough, the next year, when Sarah was 90 years old and Abraham 100, Sarah had a baby!

(The scenery changes to Pa and Madame Blueberry standing on a cliff, holding Jean-Claude in a diaper.)

Pa Grape: A son! We have a son!

Jean-Claude: Waaah! Waaah!

Archibald: And they named him Isaac, which means "laughter".

Jean-Claude: Waaah! Waaah! I mean...

(All three laugh.)

Pa Grape: Oh, hello there, Laughter!...Wait a minute, are you sure this isn't your cousin's kid?

Jean-Claude: We look the same! We are peas!

(They all laugh again.)

Archibald: And that is the story of Abraham and Sarah. When they didn't trust God for His promises, they were anxious! They tried to make things happen themselves! When they trusted God, when they had faith in Him, they could relax and wait, knowing He would do what He said He would do.

(The audience applauds. Everyone hops onstage.)

Bob: That was really great, Pa!

Larry: I learned a lot about faith.

Pa Grape: Yeah? Like what?

Larry: Well, it isn't magic. It's putting your trust in someone that they'll do what they say they'll do.

Junior: Right! And who we put our trust in makes a big difference!

Bob: So let me see if I've got this...Should you put your faith in anything?

Junior: Of course not! That'd be silly!

Pa Grape: Should you put your faith in anyone?

Larry: Just trust them willy-nilly?

Junior: No! I trust my mom, I trust my dad,

'cause they'll be there when times are bad.

They care for me, they know what's best!

They get my trust above the rest!

Bob: Okay, so...Who is stronger than your dad?

Junior: It's God!

Bob: Who is smarter than your mom?

Junior: It's God!

Larry: If you're looking for a friend, well it isn't very odd...

Junior: That I'm gonna put my trust in God! Yeah, I'm gonna put my faith in God!

Bob, Jimmy, and Jerry: Bigger than the rest, better than the best! Who can pass the test?

Junior: It's God!

Larry, Pa Grape, and Madame Blueberry: Maybe now suggest that you will be blessed. Instead of being stressed, be odd by the only...

Bob: One who will come true!

Larry: The one who's always true!

Madame Blueberry: You know He's there for you!

Bob: It's smart to put your faith in, your heart is always safe in...

All: Start to put your faith in God!

Junior: It's smart to put your faith in God!

(The audience applauds.)

What Have We Learned[]

Bob: Wow! So Elizabeth, faith doesn't mean believing in silly things.

Larry: Faith is when we trust someone to do what they say they'll do.

Bob: And is anyone better at doing what they say than God?

Junior: No way!

Larry: And now it's time for a verse!

Bob: Right. Too bad someone tried to eat them all.

Jimmy: Sorry Won't happen again.

Jean-Claude (O.S.): Do not worry, Tomato! The verse angel never runs out of verses!

(A fortune cookie falls onto the stage.)

Larry: I knew we could have faith in you!

Bob: Good one, Larry. (opens the cookie) Lets see. "Hebrews 11:1-2, 'Faith means being sure of the things we hope for, and faith means knowing that something is real even if we do not see it. People who've lived in the past became famous because of faith.'"

Larry: Like Abraham and Sarah.

Bob: Right! They couldn't see the baby God had promised them, but they believed God would keep His promise. That's faith. Remember, God made you special...

Larry: And He loves you very much.

All: Goodbye!

(The audience applauds as the episode ends.)

(end of transcript)
