Bees are small insects that are known for making honey, though they're known for stinging others if you try to attack them.
The Daily Bumble has a bee as its mascot.
- Are You My Neighbor? - The mayor and nurse are more busy than a bumblebee.
- Rack, Shack and Benny - When Benny was trying to say his real name, he accidentally calls himself a bumblebee
- Dave and the Giant Pickle - Larry tells Archibald that his friend Oscar was stung by a bee.
- Billy Joe McGuffrey - On the first day of fifth grade, Billy Joe McGuffrey got a bee caught up his nose while sniffing a baby's breath.
- Lord of the Beans - There's a snoodle bee that flew up in the sky then It shows in a Raspberry forest.
- Happy Together! - The girl with the juice pop states she doesn't like bees and wasps.
- Larry's Cousin Comes to Town - George plays "Flight of the Bumblebee" while eating a tuna sandwich, with Bacon Bill saying he likes bees in his tuna sandwich.